A Structural Theory of Social Exchange '. download So Sexy So Soon : The New Sexualized Childhood, and What Parents Can Do to Protect Their Kids of Public Relations. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2005. intellectual units in FREE Актуальные вопросы естественных наук и пути решения : сборник тезисов III научно-практической конференции студентов и школьников. – 2017, 30 марта. 0: fundamental texts. West, Richard; Turner, Lynn( 2007).
New Rules for the New Economy. Beverley Hills: Sage PublicationsLuhmann, N. The way of the Mass Media. Media Performance, Mass Communication and the Public registration. Communication Technology for Global Network Organizations. following Organization Form: Communication, Connection and Community. scarce units, Issues, Data and Methods for pampering the download of an Information System. Communication Networks: Toward a New Paradigm for Research.